The Baker Museum and Hayes Hall Galleries

Naples, FL

September 6, 2022 – September 25, 2022

Portraits show who someone is, what they like, and where they stand in society. They also show who was there, when, and where at a certain point in time. We take pictures of each other so that we can show ourselves in the best light and understand what others look like. We do this for rituals, to record events, to make art, or to show our status.

True Likeness is a collection of modern portraits made by a wide range of artists using different techniques, such as video, photography, painting, collage, installation, sculpture, printmaking, and drawing. These artists, some of whom are well-known and some of whom aren’t as well-known, come from all over the United States. Their own lives and the lives they show through their work give us a picture of who we are as a country. As the exhibition came together over the last two years, it became clear that highlighting and celebrating diversity was of the utmost importance. This was especially true during the last presidential election, which was one of the most divisive in recent history.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for everyone to wear masks, we can’t see people’s full faces in public places. Maybe if we can’t focus on superficial differences, we’ll be able to think about how much we’re the same as people. Many of the artists in True Likeness explore this idea in their work.