October 22 – January 8
Located on the third floor of The Baker Museum

Naples, FL

Ran Hwang, a Korean multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in New York and Seoul, was born in 1960. For the past 20 years, he has made artworks and installations that are full of references using buttons, beads, crystals, pins, thread, and sometimes moving video images. Her solo show will be the largest museum show of her work in the southeastern United States to date. It will include Hwang’s immersive multimedia installations, Becoming Again (2017) and Garden of Water (2010), as well as her famous works of Buddhas, plum blossoms, and chandeliers. Her works with everyday objects and multimedia installations are both based in traditional Korean visual language and deeply rooted in 21st-century global contemporary art practice.

Ran Hwang: Becoming Again is mostly a reflection on time and how life changes and repeats itself. These are things that interest the artist himself. Its other powerful underlying theme is how values and states of being that seem to be opposites can coexist in a smooth way. This exhibition shows how Hwang’s Buddhist viewpoint and her process-based work can be used as a form of meditation. It gives people who come to the museum a place to think where they can be surrounded by beauty and harmony and find emotional and spiritual balance, solace, and elevation.
